Community Impact Ministry
It is said that when Churches reach out to their communities holistically, meeting spiritual as well as physical, social and emotional needs, their evangelistic efforts are typically much more effective.
Through our community Impact Ministry, we make the love of God felt in the community. Our goal is to make God known in our community, it is not about Church growth but kingdom growth. We take Church to the community rather than wait for the community to come into the Church with the aim of bringing spiritual transformation through the various seed projects we carry out.
Community impact begins with a deep-seated desire to be of service to the community, with a renewed mind and not with bias or prejudice, and then putting physical efforts to do those things that demonstrate God’s love which will ultimately lead to transformation.
Our community Impact ministry was created in 2014, and presently we have two key impact centers being coordinated by community Pastors. Part of what we do at the community level is to initiate seed projects. This can be done in collaboration with the community or independently by the community Impact centers. Some other activities are viz
- Projects: This involves identifying needs in the community and taking ownership of it. E.g. closing potholes on the roads, providing water, provide foods for those who don’t have, visit the sick etc.
- Medical Outreach: Providing free eye test, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
- Welfare Outreach: From time to time we display clothing; household items are strategic places for people to come and take for free.
- Bible Study: Community centers gather for group bible study in a member’s house inviting people from the community to join.
- Community evangelism: Evangelism is coordinated at the community levels, every week the Community centers share the gospel in their communities.
- Prayer walk: Once a month, community centers embark on prayer walk in their communities, taking authority over forces that opposes God’s kingdom.
- Relationship building: Deliberately show care and concern for people in order to build relationship.