About Us

Fellowship Outreach Bible Church

Rev. Dr. Paul O. Molokwu

FELLOWSHIP OUTREACH BIBLE CHURCH (FOBC) was founded on the 5th of March, 2000, but the vision was given in 1985.

The 15-year gap between the vision and the founding was spent by Rev. Dr. Paul O. Molokwu in two main ministries namely Redeemed People’s Mission, Jos, Plateau State and Foursquare Gospel Church, Lagos, Nigeria. In these ministries, he served as a minister in different capacities including treasurer, Sunday School Superintendent

The mandate he received in 1985 was from Psalm 2:8 which says “Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for Your inheritance; and the ends of the earth for Your possession”.

Daddy and Mummy
Rev. Dr. Paul and Rev. Mrs Uche Molokwu

Initially he groped with trying to understand what God was asking him to do but in 1995 when he was asked to pioneer one of the branches of Foursquare Gospel Church (FGC), the vision which he initially saw as an earthly assignment became clearer. As he served under FGC as a local pastor, the burning desire to do more than just local church pastoring became much more intense. The turning point in his life was an invitation to attend the World Evangelization Conference in Amsterdam, Holland in January of the year 2000. While attending this conference, he received a marching order from the Lord to pioneer a worldwide ministry that would reach many nations. On his return, he resigned and founded FOBC.

Within the 7 years of our existence as a church, we were able to translate our vision for missions in countries like Ghana, Togo, and Liberia. In Ghana, we have a mission’s outpost in Oblogo-Weija, Accra, which has been in existence since July 2004 and the Lord has blessed the work so far. Our work in Agbelakpedogan, Togo, started in May 2007, but is presently on hold. Whilst our Liberia and Benin Republic mission work began in 2007 and 2016 respectively. Two other mission outposts have been started in Liberia between 2015 and 2018. The apostolic vision of Rev. Dr. Paul O. Molokwu is the driving force behind FOBC’s missions focus to the whole world.


God’s Sovereign Reign and extension of his kingdom through evangelism, training and equipping beginning from Nations of West Africa to the ends of the earth. (Christ in Every Nation Psalm 2:8)


To be in alignment with God in His pursuit of the nations, surrendering to Him in all things.

  1. Cross Cultural outreach
  2. Sanctity of God’s word
  3. Efficacy of God’s word
  4. Daily faith walk
  5. Spiritual growth by discipleship
  6. Strong family life
  7. Care-giving
  8. Integrity
  9. Punctuality
  10. Striving for excellence