Ghana Mission
Ghana Mission
Ghana was our first mission field, it was formally inaugurated on July 18, 2004 at Mandela, block factory, New Weija, Accra where the work started from. In 2007, after 3 years at Block factory, we got a property at Oblogo Weija, Accra and relocated the Church and subsequently moved the mission’s house to the new site in September 2008.
The work was pioneered by Rev. Juachi and his wife Pst. Ugochi Allwell and they worked until April 2011 when they were redeployed to the headquarter Church to serve as the Resident Pastor. On their redeployment, Pastor Ethelbert Iwuagwu, a Nigerian, and a product of the Ghana work was appointed to coordinate the work. After about two years and few months, he voluntarily resigned his appointment and return to Nigeria. A new indigenous team led by Pst George Hebidzi were appointed. Other members of the team are Sis Beauty Hebidzi and Pst Enoch Ekumah, all are products of the Ghana work.

The thrust of our work is disciple-making and Church planting. In October 2014, we started a school to provide affordable education for children in the community and to God’s glory the school has made tremendous impact. From 3 kids they grew to over 60 pupils on their enrollment and 6 teaching staff. The school became an access ministry to a somewhat difficult ground.