PRAYER NUGGETS(Wednesday 20th September 2023)
Deuteronomy 9:25-26
I lay prostrate before the Lord those forty days and forty nights because the Lord had said he would destroy you. I prayed to the Lord and said, “Sovereign Lord, do not destroy your people, your own inheritance that you redeemed by your great power and brought out of Egypt with a mighty hand.
In your presence, O Lord, there is mercy and grace. We recognise that it is because of your mercies that we are not consumed. You showed us your magnanimity and forgave us our iniquities. You are Sovereign and the Lord of all Lords. We bless and praise you, O Lord, and bow in worship of your greatness. You are the judge of all the earth, O Lord, and do no wrong, but rule in righteousness and justice. Your ways are excellent and perfect. Blessed are you, O Lord, and greatly to be praised. Alleluya!!!
2 Corinthians 4:17-18
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
My focus today and always shall be on the Lord who never fails. My eyes shall not focus on the waves and dark clouds but on the immutable word of God. I receive grace like Shadrach and friends to walk through every fire lit against me in the name of Jesus. As I walk in the glory of my heavenly Father, no evil shall overtake me, and I will daily celebrate the victorious life. Help me, O Lord, to have the right perspective or mindset about my unfavourable daily experiences and to firmly believe that all things will work together for my good. The eyes of Jesus are on my daily steps to surely bring me to God’s expected end. Praise the Lord!!!
God bless you, and thanks for praying.
Rev. Paul. O. Molokwu